KRCH is an orphanage located in Kisii, Kenya. It was founded by Pastor Robert Nyamwange and his wife Terry in 2006 as a Foster Unit with one child, Mary, who is in high school now. Since then KRCH has expanded its facilities and now they house 54 children. They have an elementary school for the young ones, but the high school students have to pay to attend school. They have two cows, chickens, and a vegetable garden. Because of the drought this year, their vegetable garden dried up. They have to walk a long way to get water and if the stream is dried up, they have to purchase water which is very expensive. Both Robert and Terry as well as several of the children have been hospitalized with typhoid and malaria due to the unclean water conditions. We are in the process of trying to get them a clean water well and a water tower so they will have access to clean water on site. If you go to Facebook and type in Keumba Rehema Children’s Home their page along with many photos will come up.
I hope this is the information you are looking for. Let me know if I can help in any way.